Note: Do not rely on this information. It is very old.
Chemists, Law respecting. No person may assume the title of a chemist or druggist, or sell by retail (or compound) the poisons specified in certain statutes of the present reign, unless he has been examined and has obtained a certificate and been placed on the register of the Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain. Chemists and druggists are not, however, subject to the espionage and fines for offences inflicted by the Apothecaries Act with reference to the buying, preparing compounds, dispensing and vending of drugs, medicines, and medicinable compounds wholesale and retail. See the statutes 55 George III., c. 194, sec. 28; 15 and 16 Vict., c. 56; 31 and 32 Vict., c. 121; and 32 and 33 Vict., c. 117.