Cheese consists of the casein of milk, together with the greater portion of the fats, and small quantities of mineral matter. It is manufactured by causing the coagulation of the casein by adding "rennet" to the milk. The rennet is prepared by treating the stomach of a calf with a strong solution of common salt. When added to the milk the casein coagulates and carries down with it most of the fat. When the precipitation is complete, which is generally the case in about an hour, the coagulated mass, the curd, is broken up, and the clear liquor, the whey, poured off. The curd is allowed to stand for about an hour, and is then collected and pressed. It is broken up, salted, and again moulded and pressed. It is finally dried in the "curing" room at a temperature of about 75°. For the production of the cheese, either the whole milk or skim milk may be used. In the case of cream cheeses, cream is added to the milk. The different varieties of cheese, as Cheddar, Stilton, Gruyere, etc., all possess nearly the same composition, the variations in flavour, etc., being due to slight differences in the details of preparation.