Charr, the popular name of a group (Salvelini) of the genus Salmo, distinguished by the absence of teeth on the body of the vomer (q.v.) from true salmon and trout (Salmones), which they resemble in form and habit. Charr are found principally in mountainous lakes, frequenting clear water, and feeding on insects and Entomostraca, to the latter of which the pinkish tinge of the flesh is probably due. Dr. Gunther records thirteen species, of which the most important are, Salmo umbla, from the Swiss lakes; S. salvelinus, from the highlands of Austria and Bavaria; S. alpinus, the northern charr; S. willughbii, from Windermere; S. hucho, sometimes called the bull-trout (q.v.), from the Danube, and S. fontinalis, the brook-trout of American authors, recently introduced into British lakes. Other species or varieties are recorded from Scotland, Wales, and Ireland.