Charles IX
Charles IX., of France (1550-1574), son of Henry II. and Catherine de Medici, succeeded his brother Francis II. at the age of 10, his mother Catherine being constituted regent. His reign is noted as witnessing the struggle between the Huguenots under Conde and the Admiral Coligny, and the Catholics headed by Catherine and the Duke of Guise. The young king seems to have been in favour of toleration; he married his sister to the Huguenot King of Navarre, and welcomed Coligny at Court, and was indignant at the attempt to assassinate him, and yet in 1572 when the massacre of St. Bartholomew took place the king was aiding and abetting, even firing upon the fugitives with his own hand. It is doubtful whether he did this owing to his mother's influence and persuasion, or whether he had been induced to believe that the Huguenots had formed a plot against his life.