Chamberlain is one having the management or direction of a chamber or chambers. The most important one is (1) the Lord Chamberlain of Great Britain, the sixth high officer of the Crown, having the government of the Palace at Westminster, and into whose custody are delivered on important occasions the keys of Westminster Hall. He disposes of the sword of state which is carried before the Queen when she comes to Parliament, and goes on the right-hand side next to the Queen's person. He also has to provide all things in the House of Lords during the session, the Gentleman Usher of the Black Rod, Yeoman Usher, etc., being under his control. The office is hereditary. (2) There is also the "Lord Chamberlain of the Household," who has the superintendence of all officers belonging to the Queen's chambers, except the precincts of the bedchamber. The appointment to this office changes with the government of the day, and to the holder of it appertains the important jurisdiction of licensing theatres in the metropolis and all towns in which a royal palace is situated. (3) There is also the Chamberlain of the City of London, who is an officer elected by the freemen who are liverymen. The duties of this officer are judicial and administrative. He admits on oath all persons entitled to the freedom of the city, and hears and determines all matters of complaint between masters and apprentices. He has also the conservation of property of citizens who die intestate, leaving orphans, on the application of such orphans or others on their behalf, for which the Chamberlain is deemed in law a corporation sole, but such applications are now rarely made. He is also treasurer of the City of London, and receives a fixed salary.