Cevennes, a mountain range in Southern France, dividing the valley of the Rhone from those of the Loire and Garonne. Starting from the Lyonnais mountains in the north, they run southwest, and extend to the Canal du Midi, which divides them from the Pyrenees. They are divided into several parts under different names, and have a length of about 150 miles, with an average height of 3,000 to 4,000 ft. In the Central Cevennes or Cevennes proper, Mount Lozere has a height of 5,000 ft., and to the north Mount Mezenc in Ardeche is 5,780 ft. The Loire, Allier, Lot, and Tarn take their rise in these mountains, which are rich in minerals, well cultivated on the upper slopes, while the upper slopes afford good pasturage, and the tops are clothed with chestnut and pine forests.