Cawnpore, a city in the North-West Provinces of India and capital of the district of the same name, is situated on the right bank of the Ganges, about 1,000 miles from the sea. It is a modern town with extensive military cantonments, and as regards industry is noted for its gloves, jewellery, and leather work. British property since 1801, it is associated with one of the cruellest episodes in the annals of the Indian Mutiny (q.v.) of 1857. It then contained about 1,000 Europeans, more than half of whom were women and children, and General Wheeler was in command. The Europeans being outnumbered by the mutineers under the Rajah of Bithoor, better known as Nana Sahib, surrendered under promise of a safe conduct to Allahabad. Just as they had embarked, the natives fired on them and carried the survivors back to Cawnpore. Here, when the news of General Havelock's approach arrived, they were massacred, their bodies being thrown into a well. Over this well is now a mound crowned with an octagonal Gothic structure, and round it are public gardens. A memorial church also marks the site of General Wheeler's entrenchment. The district of Cawnpore covers an area of 2,336 square miles, and besides its capital has the towns Bilhour, Bithoor, and Akberpoor. It is a fertile region, and produces the vine and the indigo plant.