Catlin, George, was born at Wilkesbarre, Pennsylvania, U.S.A., in 1796. He was educated for the law, but being a skilful painter took to art as a, profession. In 1832 he resolved to make a thorough study of the American Indians, who were fast disappearing before the advance of civilisation. He spent several years among the various tribes, both of North and South America, and in 1840 exhibited his pictures in London, where next year he published his great work, The Manners. Customs, and Conditions of the North American Indians. In 1844 appeared his North American Portfolio, and in 1848 an account of the adventures of the red men whom he had brought over with him to Europe. Finally, in 1868 he printed his Last Rambles among the Indians of the Rocky Mountains and the Andes. He died in Jersey city in 1872.