Castellamare, or Castel-a-Mare, a port on the coast of Italy, 15 miles S.E. of Naples, situated at the foot of Monte Sant' Angelo (Mons Gaurus). It commands a fine view of the famous bay, occupying part of the site of the ancient Stabias, the scene of Pliny's death at the time of the great eruption of Vesuvius in 79 A.D. The castle here was built by Frederick II. and enlarged by Charles I. of Anjou, and Alfonso I. of Aragon. The royal palace of Quisisana owes its foundation to Charles II. of Anjou, and its restoration to Ferdinand I. There are also many churches and convents, a cathedral, the seat of a bishopric, an arsenal and dockyard, barracks, etc. Ship-building is still the chief industry, though vessels of war are no longer constructed here. Linen, silk, and cotton goods are manufactured. In the neighbourhood are many handsome country houses and villas.