Note: Do not rely on this information. It is very old.
Cassianus, Joannes Eremita (or Massiliensis) (360-448), a celebrated hermit, and one of the earliest founders of monastic institutions in Western Europe. After spending the early part of his life in the monastery of Bethlehem, he went to Egypt with his friend Germanus, and stayed for some years among the desert ascetics of the Nile. St. Chrysostom ordained him at Constantinople in 403, and he then went to Marseilles, where he founded two monasteries. In theology he was opposed to the doctrine of man's worthlessness as held by St. Augustine, and not going so far as Pelagius, has been called a semi-Pelagian. Of his works, that De Institutione Camobioruni and The Incarnation are the most notabie.