Cass, Lewis (1782-1866), an American general and statesman, born at Exeter in New Hampshire, was bred to the bar, and became a member of the Ohio legislature. He served in the war (1812-1814) with England, and rose to the rank of general; as Governor of Michigan - a post which he held for eighteen years - he was much occupied with the . affairs of the Indians, who were the chief inhabitants of the region, and besides gaining land from them for the State, and amassing wealth for himself, he did much civilising and exploring work. In 1831 he was War Secretary to General Jackson, and in 1836 he was appointed plenipotentiary to France, and records his high opinion of Louis Philippe in a work upon France: Its King, Court, and Government, published 1840. He was twice an unsuccessful candidate for the presidency, and held office as War Secretary under President Buchanan, but retired in 1860 over the question of North and South. Although an advocate of the slave trade, he was in favour of maintaining unity. His Indian experiences he embodied in a History of the Indians, published in 1823.