Casaubon, Isaac (1559-1614), a Calvinistic theologian, critic, and scholar, born at Geneva, and after an education disturbed by religious persecution in France, to which his father - a Huguenot pastor - had returned, he was appointed at Geneva professor of Greek, in which he had made singular progress. He was summoned to Paris in 1598 by Henri IV. to teach in the university, but, owing to his attachment to Protestant principles the king could not give him this appointment, but made him royal librarian. After the king's assassination Casaubon went to England, where he was well received by James I., who made him prebendary of Canterbury and of Westminster, and gave him a pension of £4,000. Casaubon was a good critic, but it was as a Greek scholar that he excelled, and his numerous works enjoyed a great and extensive reputation. Justus Lipsius, Scaliger, and Casaubon have been quoted as a literary triumvirate.