Cartwright Edmund
Cartwright, Edmund (1743-1823), English poet, inventor, and clergyman. He was born at Marnham in Nottingham, and was descended from an old family who had suffered much for their loyalty in the Civil war. He was educated at Oxford, and taking orders, entered upon a cure near Chesterfield. His favourite relaxation was poetry, and he published anonymously in 1762 some verses which were well received, and afterwards published Constance, Arminia and Elvira, and Sonnets, as well as other poetical works, and contributed constantly to the Monthly Review. A journey to Matlock in 1784 turned his attention to machinery, and though over 40 he began to study mechanics with all the ardour of youth, and to such good effect that he invented a machine for weaving that, with certain improvements, was generally adopted in the United Kingdom, and is the parent of the modern power-loom. He also invented a carding-machine, which was generally adopted, and brought out other inventions, including one for moving carriages without the employment of horses by means of a lever; and he also made experiments in steam. Like many other inventors he ruined himself, but Government, at the instance of the manufacturers of Manchester and other large towns, gave him £10,000 for his public services. Though this did not compensate his losses, it enabled him to pass his latter days in comfort.