Carolina South
Carolina, South, a Southern Atlantic state of America, is bounded on the N. and N.E. by North Carolina, on the S.E. by the Atlantic Ocean, and on the S.W. and W. by Georgia, from which it is separated by the Savannah river and its feeders, the Tugaloo and the Chatooga, extending from lat. 35° 13' to 32° N., and from long. 78° 28' to 83° 18' W. It is wedge-shaped, with a coast-line of 210 miles, and a depth of about 240 miles, and an area of 34,000 square miles. For 100 miles inland the coast is alluvial, with swamps, and pine forests, beyond that is a belt of sand-hills, and then comes "The Ridge" of terraces with beautiful valleys and rounded hills, rising to the Blue Ridge in the N.W. with a greatest height of 4,000 ft. above sea-level. The state is well-watered, and the low-lying lands, together with the islands along the coast, produce much rice and cotton. The climate is much modified by sea breezes and by the mountains, and in the southern parts the orange, sugar-cane, fig, and banana are largely cultivated, but are sometimes damaged by frost. The state abounds in animals, birds, tortoises, turtles, alligators, and many kinds of serpents. South Carolina is not a manufacturing state. The capital is Columbia; but the largest city and commercial capital is Charleston.