Capri (classic Capreae), a limestone islet to S. of the Bay of Naples, and 3-1/2 miles from Sorrento. In area 20 square miles, it consists of a fertile inland valley between two lofty plateaux. The coast is difficult of access, being girt with steep cliffs. Capri, the capital, stands on the eastern side, and has a fine cathedral. Anacapri, on the opposite side, crowns Monte Solara, and is approached by a rocky stairway. The island belonged to Neapolis, and its inhabitants still retain the Greek type. Augustus purchased it from the Neapolitans in exchange for the larger island of Aenaria, and lived there occasionally, and Tiberius spent the last ten years of his existence in this retreat. Great Britain held it from 1803 to 1808, and it has always been a favourite resort of the British, owing to the fine air and picturesque scenery. The Blue and the Green grottoes are remarkable for the tints reflected on their walls by the waters of the Mediterranean.