Capitol, the famous temple to Jupiter, Juno, and Minerva, that occupied the lower of the two peaks of the Capitoline Hill at Rome, the other being crowned by the Arx or Citadel. Romulus first built a temple to Jupiter Feretrius on this spot, but the triple shrine was founded by Tarquin I., built by his son, and dedicated by M. Horatius Pulvillus cons, suff., in 509 B.C. This structure, which lasted till 83 B.C., was built in the Etruscan style of stuccoed peperino with wooden architraves. Sulla began to rebuild it in marble, but it was completed and dedicated by Q. Lutatius Catutus. The Vitellian rioters burnt it down in 70 A.D., and it was reconstructed by Vespasian. Lastly, this building was destroyed by fire under Titus, and a new Capitol was erected by Domitian at fabulous cost. Scarcely any traces of the noble edifice are left, the Palazzo Caffarelli standing on the site. No change was ever made in the plan; three cellae were enclosed beneath one roof, the central one being sacred to Jupiter, Minerva holding place on his right, Juno on his left. Newly-elected consuls took their vows here, and victorious generals were borne hither in triumph. Many other temples and public buildings were situated on the Capitoline, and the Tarpeian Rock, whence criminals were thrown, terminates its southern extremity. The Campidoglio, or modern Capitol, was designed by Michael Angelo, but is not one of his best works. It serves as a town hall and museum.