Capitation Grant
Capitation Grant, a grant made by the State in aid of primary education, and according to etymology proportioned to the number of scholars brought to a certain degree of efficiency, though practically other considerations come into play. In 1851 the Government grant amounted to £836,920, while the capitation grant was a sum over and above which was granted for special excellence. The Commission of 1861, deprecating the continuance of a scheme which seemed to encourage the pushing forward of a few advanced scholars to the neglect of more backward ones, recommended that the prospects and position of teachers should be made dependent upon the result of a thorough examination of all scholars. Many changes and modifications have since been made. The Act of 1882 graduated the grants, and settled that the withdrawal of weak scholars from examination should not invalidate claims, and gave also a merit grant for general tone. The Commission of 1886 also recommended the further abandonment of the numerical test in favour of a qualitative one.