Cape Town
Cape Town, the capital and seat of government of Cape Colony, is situated in the angle of Table Bay and to the N. of Table Mountain, on the N. coast of the peninsula that terminates in the Cape of Good Hope. It is surrounded by lofty crags, and through the valley in which it stands the Zoeta or Sweet river flows down to the sea. Founded in 1652 by Van Riebeeck, the older houses display the characteristics of Dutch architecture, and canals traverse several of the streets, but fine modern buildings are rapidly springing up, chief among them being government house, the houses of parliament, the post office, public library, exchange, art gallery, South African college, Anglican and Roman Catholic cathedrals, university, etc. etc. There are also botanical and public gardens. The observatory, which is in high repute among astronomers since Herschel's time, stands just outside the town, which now possesses all modern improvements, such as gas and electric lighting, ample water supply, and tramways. The harbour, strongly fortified, is rendered secure from the heavy swell of the Atlantic by a magnificent breakwater. Railways connect the town with Port Elizabeth to the south, and Kimberley to the north, and are being rapidly extended into Mashonaland. The chief exports are copper, wool, wheat, diamonds, gold, and wine, the latter being produced in the suburban villages of Constantia, Wynberg, Rondebosch, and Claremont.