Canova, Antonio, sculptor, was born in 1757 at Possagno, a Venetian village. Displaying as a boy special talent in modelling, he won the patronage of a Venetian senator, who apprenticed him to a sculptor at Bassano. In 1779 he was sent to Rome with an introduction to the Venetian ambassador, and there produced his Apollo, and Theseus with the Minotaur. He next undertook, in 1783, the monument of Pope Clement XIV. in the Church of the Apostles, and in 1792 the monument of Pope Clement XIII. in St. Peter's. Among his imaginative performances may be mentioned Venus and Adonis, Psyche holding a Butterfly, Repentant Magdalene, Hercules hurling Lichas into the Sea, Creugas and Damoxenos, etc. He also did the monument of the tomb of the Archduchess Christina of Austria, 1797, and in 1803 executed in marble the colossal model of a statue of the King of Naples. About this time, too, was completed his Perseus with the head of Medusa, a work that increased his renown more than all his former efforts. In 1802 appointed curator of all Roman works of art in the Papal states, he was invited by Bonaparte to Paris to make the model of his colossal statue. Later works were a colossal Washington, Venus rising from the Bath, The Graces rising from the Bath, Dancing Girl, etc. In 1815 he was sent to Paris to recover the works of art that had been taken away from Rome, and on his return was created Marquis of Ischia. He died in 1822 at Venice.