Cameron John
Cameron, John, a learned divine, was born about 1579 in Glasgow. After holding various appointments at seats of learning on the Continent, he returned in 1620 to his native city, and became principal of the university. In less than a year, however, "being so misliked by the people," he removed to Saumur and then to Montauban, where he was appointed professor of divinity. So encyclopaedic were his attainments that he has been styled a "walking library," and Milton referred to him as an "ingenious writer in high esteem." He was a persistent preacher of the doctrine of passive obedience. He died in 1625 from a wound inflicted on him by an opponent to his theological views. His followers are called Cameronites, and are a sort of moderate Calvinists, and approach somewhat to the doctrine of the Arminians.