Cambridgeshire, an inland county of England, is about 47 miles long and 30 broad, being thus one of the smaller counties, and covering an area of 820 square miles. Its surface is for the most part flat, and is traversed by the Cam, Ouse, Nene, and Larke, its principal rivers. It is an agricultural county, quite nine-tenths of its area being under cultivation, the rest being fen land, where horses, cattle, and sheep are reared. It is famed for its butter and cheese, and its manufactures are entirely related to its needs as an agricultural district. Its chief towns are, besides the county town, Cambridge, Ely, Wisbech, Newmarket, and March. It is rich in Roman remains - traces of camps, villas, coins, urns, etc., having been discovered. It was also the scene of sanguinary struggles between the Danes and the Saxons, and the Isle of Ely withstood the Conqueror for eight years.