Note: Do not rely on this information. It is very old.
Caldwell, Sir Benjamin, a British naval officer, born about the year 1742, entered the navy in 1756, and became a lieutenant in 1760, a commander in 1762, and a post-captain in 1765. He served in 1781 under Admiral Kempenfelt, and in 1782 under Rodney in the West Indies. In command of the Agamemnon he took part in the actions of April 9th and 12th in that year. He was made rear-admiral in 1793, and was one of the flag officers present at Lord Howe's victory of the Glorious First of June, 1794. He afterwards commanded in the West Indies. In 1799 he attained the rank of admiral, and, having been made a G.C.B. in 1820, he died in the following year, being then nearly at the top of the flag-officers' list.