Calderwood, David, divine and ecclesiastical historian, was born in 1575, it is said, at Dalkeith. After studying at Edinburgh he became minister of Cratting, Roxburghshire, in 1604, and distinguished himself by his opposition to James VI.'s design of establishing episcopacy in Scotland. In 1617 he was imprisoned on a charge of contumacy and then banished. Withdrawing to Holland, he there published in 1623 his Altar of Damascus. In 1625 he returned to Scotland, and became in 1640 minister of Pencaitland, Haddingtonshire. He was one of the committee appointed in 1643 to draw up the Directory for Public Worship in Scotland. His chief work was the History of the Kirk of Scotland, which was published first in 1678 and then by the Woodrow Society in 1842-49. He died in 1650.