Calderondela Barca
Calderon de la Barca, Don Pedro, dramatist, was born in 1600 at Madrid. When only 14 years of age he had written his third play. In 1625, however, though he had received high commendation for his essays in poetry, he joined the army, serving with distinction in Milan and the Netherlands. In 1636 he was appointed master of the revels at the court of Philip IV., and in 1637 created a Knight of the Order of Santiago. After a further period of military service he, in 1651, entered the priesthood, becoming chaplain in 1653 in the archiepiscopal church of Toledo. In 1663 he was appointed chaplain of honour to the king, and enjoyed the emoluments of other offices. During all these years he continued to write poems and plays. Among the pieces he left are 95 autos sacramentales, outdoor plays for the festival of Corpus Christi; 200 loas, preludes; and 100 saynetes, farces. He died in 1681, and is now regarded as the greatest dramatist that Spain has produced.