Cairo. 1. The capital of Egypt, situated on the right bank of the Nile, about 12 miles from the apex of its delta. The city is built on the lower slopes of the rocky range of Jebel Mokattam, and is partly surrounded by a fortified wall. Through it run upwards of half-a-dozen spacious thoroughfares, from which ramify a labyrinth of narrow and crooked streets, in which the oriental nature of the city is still retained. It is divided into ten quarters, which communicate by means of gates, the various quarters being named from the class of their occupants. There are several extensive squares and upwards of 400 beautiful mosques, the finest being the mosque of Sultan Hassan. Near this, in the S.E. and most elevated part of the town, is the citadel, which contains a well 270 feet, deep, and called Joseph's Well, a palace built by Mehemet Ali, and a mosque of oriental alabaster, founded by the same pasha. Outside the city is a burying ground with tombs said to be the tombs of the caliphs. Among the educational institutions is the old Mohammedan university, with over 11,000 students. The town is provided with gas, the telephone, and other modern appliances, and a good water supply, and being the terminus of several railways does a considerable trade. It has also numerous bazaars and markets. Its manufactures are confined almost to paper, rude pottery, and woodwork. It was occupied by the British in 1882, and since then has been the chief seat of British influence in Egypt. 2. A city of the United States, capital of Alexander county, Illinois, is situated at the confluence of the Mississippi and Ohio rivers. It is also an important railway centre, and is advantageously placed for trade and commerce. During the Civil war it was a depot for supplies, and was otherwise important.