Caermarthen, a parliamentary and municipal borough, assize-town, and head of quarter sessions, is the capital of Caermarthenshire, and forming a county by itself, is prettily situated 5 miles from the sea, on the right bank of the Towy, which is navigable for small vessels, but is not much used, owing to the greater convenience afforded by Llanelly. The trade consists chiefly in the export of slate, lead ore, and tinplate, and farm produce, and there is salmon and trout fishing in the river. The parish church of St. Peter has some interesting monuments, and Sir Richard Steele is buried there. There are memorials to Generals Picton and Nott, who were natives of the town, and to those officers and men of the Welsh Fusileers who fell in the Crimean war. The town is united with Llanelly for the return of one member to Parliament, and has a market on Wednesdays and Saturdays.