Cabrera, Don Ramon, Count de Morella (1810-1877), a Spanish general, born at Tortosa in Catalonia. He threw himself with enthusiasm into the revolution which followed the death of Ferdinand VII., and entering a guerilla troop on the side of Don Carlos, he was soon made captain, and distinguished himself by his daring. General Mina put to death Cabrera's mother and sisters, whereupon Cabrera adopted a system of reprisals, and mercilessly slew every Christino he caught. In 1838 he was made general, and Don Carlos created him Count of Morella for taking a fortress of that name. In 1840 he was driven across the French frontier, and was imprisoned for a time at Ham. When set at liberty he went to England, and was greatly opposed to Don Carlos' abdication in favour of his son. In 1848 he again tried to stir up Catalonia, Aragon, and Valencia, but the country was tired of the war, and a defeat in 1849 forced him to repass the Pyrenees. He went back to England and married an English lady, and did not after that meddle openly in Spanish politics beyond issuing a manifesto in 1875 inviting Carlists to submit to King Alfonso. A grim story is told by Captain Alexander Bath in Seven Years in Spain, which illustrates at once the cruelty of Cabrera and a certain sense of humour mingled with it.