Bourdaloue, Louis (1632-1704), born at Bourges, died at Paris, great French preacher. Becoming a Jesuit novice at sixteen years old, he finished his course, and preached for some years in the provinces. He was called to Paris in 1670, when Bossuet was at the height of his fame. He succeeded Bossuet, whose other duties made him preach less often, and if he did not surpass Bossuet he suffered no loss by comparison with him. Madame de Sevigne was charmed with his preaching, and he was sent for to preach at Court ten times, whereas a preacher hardly ever appeared there more than three times. Perhaps the greatest compliment to his talents was the exclamation of Marshal de Grammont - "By God, he is right!" Fenelon, strangely enough, condemns him pretty severely as an orator. Voltaire puts him alongside Pascal, the great opponent of the Jesuits. He has been called "king of preachers, and preacher of kings." His pure morals and virtuous life did much to counteract Pascal's accusations, against the Order. Bourdaloue died with calmness and resignation, in full harness, at the age of seventy-two. Among his best sermons are those on The Conception, The Last Judgment, and The Forgiveness of Injuries; and his masterpiece is thought to be that on The Passion, in which he shows that the death of Christ is the triumph of His power.