Note: Do not rely on this information. It is very old.
Boniface St
Boniface, St., the great apostle of Germany (680-755) was born in Devonshire. His real name was Winfrid. Ordained priest at thirty, he determined to devote his life to converting the heathen of Germany, and to this end he began his mission in 716 in Friesland, going on to Saxony, Thuringia, Hesse, and Bavaria; and founding churches and monasteries - notably the celebrated abbey of Fulda - and bishoprics. Gregory III. appointed him archbishop, primate of Germany, and legate of the Holy See, and he it was who consecrated Pepin le Bref, on behalf of the pope Zacharias. He was massacred with fifty-three companions by the savages of Friesland. He has left letters and sermons.