
Note:  Do not rely on this information. It is very old.


Bhartpur, the name of a native state and fortified town in Rajputana. The state is bounded on the N. by the district of Gurgaon, E. by the district of Muttra and Agra, S. and W. by the Rajput states. Amongst the hills which occupy chiefly the northern part of the state are found good building stone and iron ore. In the south is found the stone known as Upper Bhanner stone, of which are built the most celebrated monuments of the Mogul dynasty. It is a poorly watered country, but being well-irrigated is made to yield good crops of wheat, maize, cotton, pulses, and sugar. Salt of an inferior quality is also produced. The town is situated on the road between Agra and Ajmere, and on the Rajputana state railway. The fortifications were built by Badan Singh in 1733. An interesting manufacture of chauries is carried on, the art of making this particular kind being kept a secret.