Note: Do not rely on this information. It is very old.
Basilicata, now called Potenza, a province in the S. of Italy, with a coast-line on the Gulf of Taranto, and a smaller extent to the W. on the Gulf of Policastro. It is bounded by Calabria and Principato to the S. and W., and by Capitanata, Terra di Bari, and Otranto to the N. and E. It has an area of 4,120 square miles, and though it is generally mountainous, the valleys are fertile and produce wine, maize, linen, hemp, cotton, tobacco, and silk, being well watered by the Bradano, Basento, and other small rivers. Great numbers of sheep, goats, and swine are reared. Chief towns, Potenza, Melli, Francavilla, Rionero, and Tursi.