Audley, Thomas, Baron Audley of Walden, the son of an Essex yeoman, born in 1488, by talents combined with unscrupulous time-serving raised himself to a high position at the bar. In 1523 he entered Parliament as a supporter of Wolsey, and on the disgrace of the latter became Speaker, 1529. He managed the Parliamentary business connected with the divorce of Catherine, and was made successively Lord Keeper and Lord Chancellor. In 1533 he was accessory to the judicial murders of Fisher and More, and to the other iniquitous proceedings of the Upper House. He was also instrumental in putting to death Anne Boleyn, Courtney, and many others, and for these services was raised to the peerage and received the Garter. In fact he was the willing minister to all the evil designs and passions of his royal master, whose favour he contrived to retain till he died in 1554.