Assessor. (1) Any person appointed to assess or value property; (2) any person who sits next another as inferior in dignity; (3) any person called in to sit beside and assist a judge. By the Common Law Procedure Act, 1854, trial of questions of fact were authorised to be held before a judge with assessors; and by 36 and 37 Victoria, c. 66, questions of fact or account may be ordered to be tried before official or special referees with assessors. Under the Judicature Act, 1873, the High Court or Court of Appeal may call in the aid of one or more assessors specially qualified in any action or matter, to try and hear the matter in question wholly or partially with the assistance of such assessors. By the County Court Admiralty Jurisdiction Act, 1868, provision is made for the appointment of assessors of nautical skill and experience in Admiralty actions, and such assessors frequently sit in County Courts under the powers of this Act. An assessor differs from a referee in having no voice or power in deciding questions, his duties being confined to assisting the deliberations of the Court. Assessor is also a term for officers in the Scottish Universities, they being nominated by the members at large.