Asgill, John, an eccentric personage, the date of whose birth is uncertain. He was called to the bar and in 1698 published two pamphlets on currency and registration of titles to land, in which he anticipates modern views in a remarkable manner. His next effort was directed to prove that physical death was due to want of faith, and he asserted that he should be translated to heaven without going through that unpleasant process. Going to Ireland he obtained practice, made some money, and married a daughter of Lord Kenmare. He was not allowed - though elected - to sit in the Irish Parliament, because his book was said to be blasphemous. He did take his seat for Bramber in the British House of Commons, but was afterwards expelled on the same ground. Being over head and ears in debt, he retired to the King's Bench, then to the Mint, and lastly to the Fleet, where he spent thirty years writing pamphlets in apparent happiness. He died in 1738 at a very great age.