Artevelde, (1) Jacob Van, a wealthy brewer of Ghent, who in 1336 A.D. headed a revolt of the citizens against Louis de Nevers, Count of Flanders, and drove him out of the country with the aid of the English. Artevelde, with the authority of several cities, made a treaty acknowledging Edward III. lord-superior of Flanders, and the victory of the English fleet over the French at Sluys in 1340 confirmed this title. On the renewal of hostilities Artevelde tried to make the Black Prince Count of Flanders, but the people of Ghent resisted this, and murdered Artevelde (1344), and others of his party.
(2) Philip Van, son of the preceding, took no part in public affairs until 1382, when his fellow citizens, having revolted against Count Louis II., invited him to take the supreme command. His first act was to avenge his father's death, and to drive Louis out of the country. Charles VI. of France now intervened and sent De Clisson into Flanders with an army. A battle occurred at Rosebeck; the Flemings were utterly defeated, and Philip, with some 30,000 of his followers, perished. His career forms the subject of a fine drama by Henry Taylor.