Art, a system of rules for the acquisition of skill and dexterity in the performance of certain actions. The "arts" as formerly used in the universities meant the seven liberal arts of the ancients, viz. grammar, logic, rhetoric, arithmetic, music, geometry, and astronomy. Now-a-days, however, the classification of arts has been divided into two parts, the fine arts, in which are included music, painting, sculpture, etc., and all those branches of study which seek expression through the beautiful; and the mechanical arts, including carpentry, watchmaking, etc., and all those pursuits in which genius is not essential for success, but which require technical skill or physical accomplishment. The word art is frequently applied in a restricted sense to painting or sculpture only, and information upon Painting, Schools of Painting, etc., will be found under their various headings. For explanation of the terms Bachelor of Arts, Master of Arts, see the headings Bachelor and Master.