Arracan, Aracan, or Arakan, the north division of Burmah. on the east of the Bay of Bengal, stretching from the river Naat to Cape Negrais. It is 400 miles long, but in breadth tapers off from 90 miles in the north to 15 miles in the south, and the area is 18,530 sq. m. The coast is studded with many fertile islands. Inland a range of almost, impassable mountains (Yomadang) separates the country from Pegu and Ava. The chief rivers are the Naf, Myu, Koladyne, and Lemyu, and the ports are Akyab, the capital, Kyuk Phyu, and Sandoway. A considerable export trade is done in rice, wax, ivory, drugs, honey, rubies, and sapphires, and all kinds of manufactured goods are imported. The district, formerly an independent kingdom, was conquered by Burmah in 1783, and by the British in 1824. The fortified city of the same name was formerly the capital, and is situated inland on a branch of the Koladyne. It is very unhealthy, and is decreasing in importance.