Aristides, surnamed "The Just," one of the noblest figures in Greek history, was born of aristocratic Athenian parentage, probably about 560 B.C. He supported the aristocratic party and was therefore politically opposed to Themistocles. At Marathon (490 B.C.) both these rivals fought side by side at the head of their respective tribes, and according to Plutarch it was by the advice of Aristides that the sole command was given to Miltiades. Being appointed archon in the following year he showed such integrity as to win his celebrated title. When the tide of democracy set in Aristides was relegated to honourable exile by the process of ostracism, and it is told how one citizen voted for his removal simply through weariness of hearing him called "the Just." He returned before the battle of Salamis (480), and showed his generous spirit by passing at night through the Persian fleet to hold a council of war with his rival. At Plataea (479) he commanded the Athenian contingent, and was chosen to conduct subsequent operations against Persia and to manage the joint fund of the Greek states. These duties he discharged so admirably that not a murmur of complaint was raised against him. When he died in 468 he received a public funeral, and a grant was made to his children, whom he left in poverty.