Argolis, a region occupying a peninsula on the east coast of the Greek Peloponnesus, and including the states of Argos, Troezen, Epidaurus, and Hermione, with the towns also of Mycenae, Tiryns, and Nauplia. Inachus, the legendary son of Oceanus and Tethys, is the first ruler of this district that we hear of. Danaus coming from Egypt seized the throne, which subsequently passed to Acrisius, whose grandson, Perseus, founded Mycenae. The Heracleids, banished from Argolis by Eurystheus, the occupant of the throne of Perseus, went to Athens. Atreus, son of Pelops, coming from Elis, succeeded Eurystheus at Mycenae, and founded the Pelopid dynasty, which held sway till 1190 B.C., when the Heracleids were restored by the help of the Dorians. In 820, after the death of Eratus, the monarchy came to an end, and an oligarchy took its place. The power of Argos declined as that of Sparta rose, and early in the fifth century B.C. the country was more or less subject to Lacedaemon. In 233 B.C. Argolis joined the Achaean League, and a century later was conquered by the Romans. It passed from the Greek emperors to the Turks, and only recovered independence in 1825.