Apraxin, the name of a distinguished Russian family. 1. Theodore Matvayevitch, born in 1671, as a boy became a favourite of Peter the Great. As a naval officer he contributed appreciably to the glory of the Czar by organising the navy, defeating the Swedes, and taking the Aland Islands. He fell into temporary disgrace for peculation, but was soon restored to favour and office as high admiral, privy councillor, and senator. He died in 1728.
2. Stephan, Theodorovitch, Count, son of the preceding, born in 1702. As field-marshal he took chief command of the army intended to act against Frederic the Great. After capturing Memel, he defeated the Prussians at Gross-Jagendorf (1757), but, failing to profit by the victory, was charged with treason, recalled, and died during the investigation of the affair in 1758.