Appropriation, in the primary sense of the word, the making a thing the property of a person. Thus to appropriate a thing which is publici juris, is to obtain a right to the exclusive enjoyment of it, so that the appropriator becomes the owner. Where a person is entitled to goods or moneys which form part of a larger quantity and are not distinguished, and afterwards the goods cr moneys to which he is entitled are separated from the rest and set apart for him, they are said to be appropriated. Thus if A sell to B 1,000 bricks to be selected and taken away by B from a certain stack, then as soon as B has selected and taken away 1,000 bricks, they are appropriated to him, and the sale which was before executory is then complete. In ecclesiastical law appropriation is where a benefice is perpetually annexed to a spiritual corporation, either aggregate or sole, as the patron of the living. In such a case the cure of souls is generally given to a clerk who from being in effect the deputy of the appropriator or patron is called the vicar. In the British Legislature, the term applies to grants by Parliament which should only be expended for the objects specified. 2. The act of one who "appropriates" a payment - on account - to one of two debts, where the other would, if not paid, be barred by statute. The law does this in favour of the debtor where he has omitted to "appropriate."