Apportionment, a division of a whole into parts (usually unequal) proportioned to the rights of more claimants than one. It is either (1) apportionment in respect of time, or (2) apportionment in respect of estate. When the interest of a tenant for life, or other person having a determinable estate, ceases, his successor cannot as the next accruer of income claim the whole as from the last payment, but an apportionment between the representatives of the deceased tenant for life and the person succeeding in remainder is directed. And now the Apportionment Act, 1870, provides that all rents, annuities, dividends, and other periodical payments in the nature of income shall, like interest on money lent, be considered as accruing from day to day, and shall be apportionable in respect of time accordingly. As to apportionment in respect of estate, it is provided that where the reversion upon a lease is severed and the rent is legally apportioned, the assignee of each part of the reversion shall in respect of the apportioned rent allotted to him be entitled to the benefit of all conditions of re-entry for one year's rent, and the Conveyancing Act, 1881, applies this principle to conditions generally.