Anson, George, Lord, Baron of Soberton, born in 1697 of a good Staffordshire family, entered the navy and was speedily promoted through the influence of his uncle, Lord Mansfield. In 1724 as post-captain he commanded a man-of-war off South Carolina, where he acquired land and gave his name to a county. In 1740 he was sent to counteract Spanish influence in the Pacific, but was not more than moderately successful, though he took the Manilla galleon. As vice-admiral in 1747 he defeated a French fleet off Cape Finisterre, capturing L'lnvincible and La Gloire. For this he received a peerage. In 1751 he was made First Lord of the Admiralty, and held the office till close upon his death in 1762. His ability was undoubted, and was only equalled by his humanity, courtesy, and warmth of heart.