Angouleme (anc. Inculisma), a very old city of France, now the capital of the department of Charente, and situated on the river of that name. In communication with the sea, and on the main line from Paris to Bordeaux, Angouleme is an important centre of trade. The chief local manufactures are serges, earthenware, paper, and gunpowder. The Cathedral dates from 1120. Amongst the distinguished natives were Balzac, Ravaillac, and General Montalembert. The county or duchy of Angouleme is almost coterminous with the province of Angoumois. The first Count of Angouleme and Perigord was created in 866. The male line ended in 1181. when the fief went by marriage to the De Lusignans. At the end of the 14th century it was conferred on Louis, Duke of Orleans, from whom sprang Francis I., and the house of Valois-Angouleme. It was then made a duchy, and was held by members of the royal family till 1650, after which the title ceased to have territorial value.