Angler-fish (Lophius), a genus of Pediculati (in which the carpal bones are prolonged, so as to form a sort of arm terminating in the pectoral fin), called also fishing-frog, frog-fish, or sea-devil (from its ugliness and voracity). There are four species, identical in habits. One (L. piscatorius) is British, which attains a length of five feet, and specimens of three feet are common. The head is very broad, and the body tapers rapidly to the tail; the pectoral and ventral fins are articulated so that the fish can walk on the bottom of the sea, where it generally hides in sand or seaweed. Round the head and body are numerous appendages like short fronds of algae, and there are three long filaments on the head, the anterior one being movable in all directions. The angler uses the appendage as a bait, attracting other fishes, which when sufficiently near are swallowed at a gulp.