Aneurism, or Aneurysm, a swelling or dilatation developed in connection with an artery, either as the result of injury or from degeneration of the arterial coats. The most characteristic phenomenon presented by an aneurismal tumour is its expansile pulsation in correspondence with the heart beat. Aneurisms may give rise to distressing symptoms by reason of the pressure they exert upon neighbouring structures; and again, they may gradually increase in size, and finally rupture, leading to the pouring out of blood, either on the surface of the body or internally. A not uncommon seat of aneurism is the popliteal artery in the ham, and the main arterial trunk of the body; the thoracic aortais also, unfortunately, at times involved. If the aneurism be in an accessible situation, the plan of treatment usually adopted is to cause the dilatation or sac to become filled up by the deposit of fibrin from the blood, either by tying or compressing the artery somewhere between the heart and the seat of disease. This is, of course, a matter of impossibility in the case of aneurisms of the aorta. Even in them, however, a cure is sometimes effected by means of drugs, or the adoption of what is known as Tuffnell's treatment, the main features of which are absolute rest and restriction of diet, particularly as regards fluids.