Note: Do not rely on this information. It is very old.
Andrassy, Julius, Count, born in 1823 at Zemplin in Hungary, represented Zemplin in the Diet (1847); took part in the revolution of 1848, and on its failure lived in France and in England until 1857. He then returned and was once more elected to the Diet, where he strongly supported Deak, especially in the unification of the empire, 1867. He largely brought about the alliance between Austria, Germany, and Russia, and in 1876 made every effort to avert the Russo-Turkish war. At the Berlin Conference in 1878 he acted with Prince Bismarck, and obtained the provinces of Bosnia and Herzegovina for Austria. In 1879, feeling incapable of holding ground against opposition, he resigned in favour of Baron Haymerle. He died in 1890.