Note: Do not rely on this information. It is very old.
Almeida Don Fbancisd
Almeida, Don Fbancis d', the first Viceroy of the Portuguese possessions in India, 1505. On his way out he took Quiloa and Mombaca, and landing on the Malabar coast, established himself as Viceroy at Cochin. His son, Lorenzo, in the meantime, reduced Ceylon, and later on routed the Mohammedans at sea, but was slain in an engagement with Hussein, Admiral of Egypt, and the Rajah of Calient. At this juncture Albuquerque was sent out to supersede the elder Almeida, who, before yielding up his place, avenged his son's death by completely destroying the united fleets of the enemy off Diu. In 1509 he set sail for Europe, and landing for water in Saldanhas Bay at the Cape was killed by a native spear.