Alicante, a province and town in the S.E. of Spain. The province was formed in 1834 from parts of Valentia and Murcia. It is 73 miles long by 68 broad, and has an area of 2,090 square miles. The northern districts are mountainous and barren, but the plains to the south bear heavy crops of wheat, maize, barley, flax, sugar, and every kind of fruit. Esparto grass is one of the largest and most valuable exports. The chief industries are spinning and weaving in silk, wool, flax, and cotton, lace-making, oil-crushing, and the distillation of spirits. The town and port of Alicante is one of the busiest commercial centres of Spain, ranking only after Cadiz and Barcelona. It is connected with Madrid, 282 miles distant, by railway. The harbour lies at some distance from the town and is protected by heavy batteries. A strong castle looks down upon it from a height of 400 ft. Alicante was occupied by the Moors from 715 to 1258 A.D.