Alexius I., a Greek emperor, who was born in A.D. 1048, the nephew of Isaac Comnenus. He distinguished himself in early life as a soldier, and served the reigning Emperor Nicephorus with fidelity. In 1081 the jealousies of the imperial ministers, and his own popularity with the army, led him to revolt against his sovereign, whom he deposed, ascending the throne of Constantinople himself. During the troublous period of the First Crusade, when the Turks were pressing forward to the Hellespont, and the barbarian invaders threatened the northern and western frontiers of the empire, he displayed much skill and courage. His severity and avarice, however, wore out the affections of all classes, and he was suspected of treachery by his Latin allies. He died in 1118, and was succeeded by his son John. A favourable sketch of his life and character was written by Anna Comnena, his favourite daughter.